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The House of Yah is a Teaching Platform

For as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, under the true name of their heavenly Father, that name being Yah; an assembly of called out ones under Yah, that shall not be one of any earthly kingdom, but a house of prayer, the House of Yah!

Mission Statement:

"I am sending you to them to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to Yahuah, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in Me." Acts 26:18

The Earth is Yahuah’s!


A Warning to to Unbelievers

Dear friend,

I urge you to consider the path you are on and the consequences it may lead to. The time to turn away from your sins and seek salvation is now. Scripture warns us of a day when God's righteous judgment will be revealed. Those who reject His truth will face the consequences of their choices.

The Bible tells us in Romans 2:5, "But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed."

This is a call to repentance, a call to flee from the wrath to come. God, in His love and mercy, has provided a way of escape through His Son, Jesus Christ. He offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who turn to Him in faith and repentance.

Do not delay in responding to this call. Embrace the grace of God and turn from darkness to light, from sin to salvation. The opportunity to repent and believe is before you today. Choose life, choose hope, and choose to follow the path that leads to eternal peace with God.

"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

May you find the courage to seek the truth and the grace to accept it. Repent and be saved, for the kingdom of God is at hand.

In Sincerity and in Hope,

Harry Connor Jr

House of Yah

Repent, and Flee from the Wrath to Come! Say one of these prayers now!

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You, acknowledging my need for Your guidance and truth. Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see the reality of my condition and understand the depth of Your love and grace.

Help me to turn from the darkness of my past and step into the light of Your presence. I desire to leave behind the power of sin and the influence of Satan, and instead, turn my life over to You, Yahuah.

I ask for Your forgiveness for my sins, trusting in Your promise that through Jesus Christ, I am forgiven and set free. I believe that by faith in Him, I am sanctified and receive an inheritance among Your people.

Thank You for sending Jesus to rescue me and for the gift of new life. Guide me as I walk in Your light and live in the freedom and hope You provide. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I acknowledge that I have lived in darkness and have been under the power of sin. I ask You to open my eyes to Your truth and light, that I may turn away from the darkness and embrace the light of Your presence.

I believe that through Jesus Christ, I can be delivered from the power of Satan and come into a relationship with You, Yahuah. I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness. I trust in Your promise that, through faith in Jesus, I can receive forgiveness and an inheritance among those who are sanctified.

Lord, guide me as I turn my life toward You. Fill me with Your Spirit and help me to walk in Your ways. Thank You for Your grace and the gift of salvation. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen."

"Dear God,
I know that I am a sinner and I ask for Your forgiveness.
I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son and that He died for my sins and rose from the dead.
I trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord from this day forward.
Guide my life and help me to do Your will.
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen."

Admonition and Exhortation to Believers: Prepare for the Times and Events Ahead

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith,

As we stand on the brink of prophetic fulfillment, it is crucial for us to heed the signs of the times and prepare our hearts for the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Yahusha Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. The Scriptures warn us of the birth pangs and events that will unfold before the establishment of God's eternal kingdom. We are called to remain vigilant, discerning, and steadfast in our faith as these prophecies begin to manifest in our world.

While Scripture tells us that "no one knows the "exact" day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" (Matthew 24:36), the significant prophetic event of Yowm Kippurym, a day of judgment and reconciliation, is possibly occurring on Ethanim 10, 6000 (October 2, 2033).

Through careful study and wisdom, we may discern the year, month, and week of this momentous occasion!

Spiritual Readiness

  • Repentance and Reflection: Let us use this time to examine our lives, repent of our sins, and seek reconciliation with God and one another. The period from Rosh Hashanah to Yowm Kippurym, known as the Ten Days of Awe, serves as a reminder of the importance of introspection and spiritual renewal. Now is the time to align our lives with God's will and prepare for His coming.
  • Faith and Vigilance: As the day of Yahusha's (Yahowsha's) return draws near, we must remain vigilant and strengthen our faith. The Apostle Paul warns us to be ready for the "catching up" of believers, which will occur before the Lord's return to judge the nations. We must hold fast to our faith, knowing that the promises of God are true and His timing is perfect.

Discernment and Hope

  • Understanding the Signs: The prophecies of cosmic events, ethnic tensions, and societal upheaval are unfolding before us, signaling the approach of the end times. We are called to discern these signs and understand their significance within God's divine plan. Let us not be swayed by fear or deception but remain grounded in the truth of Scripture.
  • Hope in His Promises: While the world may seem uncertain and chaotic, we have the blessed assurance of God's promises. Yahusha/Jesus will return to establish His kingdom, bringing justice, peace, and restoration to all creation. Our hope rests in Him, and we look forward to the fulfillment of His glorious plan.

Call to Action

  • Witness and Serve: As we prepare for these times, let us also be a light to those around us. Share the message of hope and salvation with others, serving as witnesses to God's love and truth. This is an opportunity to reach out to those in need, offering support, encouragement, and the Gospel message.
  • Prayer and Communion: Finally, let us dedicate ourselves to prayer and communion with God. Seek His guidance and strength, and remain in fellowship with fellow believers. Together, we can encourage and uplift one another as we await the return of our Lord.

May we be found faithful and ready when Yahusha/Jesus returns, standing firm in our faith and eager to be united with Him in His eternal kingdom. Let us prepare our hearts and lives for the glorious future that awaits us.

In His Service,

Harry Connor Jr

House of Yah



Let’s take a close look at what the life and commands of Yahusha Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) had to say about salvation and what actions we need to take to receive it.

Why? Because your eternal life may depend upon it! You do not want to hold onto that which hinders you from moving forward according to the commands of Yahusha, lest you be condemned.




The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail!

Unveiling the Power of Spiritual Warfare to Overcome Darkness

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The purpose of this series arises from a deep and urgent need within the body of Mashiach (Messiah – Christ – Anointed One), particularly among the First Born and the Remnant, to receive precise teaching on spiritual warfare and deliverance. This need is for an understanding rooted not just in theory, but in practical experience, revealing the path to true freedom of the soul and spirit and illuminating the clash between the spiritual realms of darkness and light. It focuses on how to dismantle strongholds in the unseen world of the Ha Shatan, or those who oppose the kingdom of light, Satan’s Army of Darkness.

The Global False Peace

The First 3.5 years of the Tribulation 7-year period

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This book seeks to explore the paradox of false peace, examining how appearances of stability and cooperation are often constructed and maintained through mechanisms of power and control. From religious landscapes to digital currencies, surveillance technologies to resource management, each chapter delves into the hidden realities that threaten genuine security and justice.

The 7 Power Proclamations!

The 7 Power Proclamations

Unveiling the Path to Spiritual Enlightenment and Transformation

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This book, inspired by the Seven Proclamations—Yehi Ohr (Let there be Light), Yehi Esh (Let there be Fire), Yehi Chayah (Let there be Life), Yehi Rapha (Let there be Healing), Yehi Da’at (Let there be Knowledge), Yehi Binah (Let there be Understanding), and Yehi Chokmah (Let there be Wisdom)—serves as a guide to enlightenment and renewal. Each proclamation transcends its literal meaning, acting as a powerful invocation that invites a deeper understanding of our inner selves and our connection to the divine. The purpose of this book is to delve into the transformative power of these proclamations, both individually and collectively, while providing practical guidance on integrating them into daily life. Through reflection, meditation, and prayer, readers can harness the energy of these proclamations to foster personal growth and healing, leading to a more profound spiritual awakening and connection with the divine.

Pilot’s Inscription in Three Languages

From Babel to Pentecost

Pilot’s Inscription in Three Languages

Echoes of Redemption in Many Tongues

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The journey from Babel to Pentecost marks a profound narrative arc in biblical history, where language both divides and unites humanity in its quest for redemption. This story begins with the Tower of Babel, where a once-unified humanity, speaking a single language, is scattered across the earth with a diversity of tongues as a divine consequence of their pride and ambition. The narrative culminates at Pentecost, a moment of miraculous communication where the Holy Spirit enables the apostles to speak in various languages, reaching across cultural and linguistic barriers to preach the gospel. This transformation from confusion to clarity symbolizes a divine redemption that transcends linguistic boundaries, offering a new unity found in the shared message of salvation. Through these pivotal events, the multilingual narrative of redemption emphasizes the power of divine intervention in bridging the divides of human language, serving as a testament to the inclusive nature of God's plan for humanity.

Read about Apophis, the Destroyer

Coming soon to a planet near you... Earth!

The Rise of Techno-Demonic Warfare

Spiritual Warfare in the Age of Techno-Demonic Powers

The Rise of Techno-Demonic Warfare

"Techno-Demonic Attacks" refer to the potential for advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and geoengineering, to be manipulated or influenced by demonic forces. This concept raises concerns about the ethical use of technology and the potential for it to become a tool for spiritual warfare. The fear is that as technology becomes more integrated into daily life, it may open new avenues for demonic influence and control over individuals and society. Two significant concepts often discussed in this context are the "Black Awakening" and "Techno-Demonic Attacks." This article explores the synthesis of these ideas, examining the potential ramifications for society, particularly for Christians.


Celestial PoW WoW

🎉 Experience the Ecstasy of A Healing Circle of Drumming and Meditation: A Jubilee of Joyful Noise! 🎉

Are you seeking a deeper connection? Would you like to explore holistic practices that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, that deepen your faith and connection to the divine through meditative practices. Would you like to connect with nature and its healing properties, and build meaningful relationships with like minded individuals?

Healing Drumming Sessions: Engage in rhythmic drumming that promotes healing vibrations. Learn simple yet powerful rhythms designed to soothe and balance your body and mind. Meditate on the Cosmic Seeds of God, enhancing your spiritual connection to Joy, Positivity, Health, Healing, Well-Being, Inner Peace, and much more! Reflect and set intentions for personal and communal healing.

Find Out More HERE


Celestial War Drums

Spiritual War Councils and War Dances

In every corner of the world, humanity has sought connection with the divine, striving to bridge the physical and spiritual realms. This yearning manifests in various forms—through prayer, meditation, ritual, and music. Among these, drumming stands out as a powerful and transformative practice, deeply rooted in ancient traditions. Across cultures, the rhythmic beat of the drum has served as a bridge to the sacred, a call to the divine, and a tool for healing and spiritual warfare to engage the Captain of the Host and His Angelic forces.

Spiritual Warfare Drumming may indeed be one of several Warfare Keys to Effective Fervent Spiritual Warfare in Heavenly Places!

There's not enough real spiritual warfare out there in churches that is effective! Yahusha/Jesus desires the kind that's fervent and effective. It is effective because it's fervent. Strongholds are torn down in the unseen realm, and the natural realm reflects the victory over the unseen forces of darkness, the principalities and powers that are over that natural realm.

Through practice of Spiritual Warfare Drumming, using the 77 Names of God, fervency is generated, perfected, and becomes very effective to the tearing down of spiritual strongholds!

This event explores the profound synergy between drumming, the 77 Sacred Names of God, and spiritual warfare practices. It offers a comprehensive guide to creating a sacred space, setting powerful intentions, and engaging in transformative spiritual practices. By integrating these elements, we aim to empower believers to connect deeply with the divine, fortify their spiritual resilience, and engage effectively in spiritual battles.

That which can be shaken is shaken by the warrior who has his hands trained for battle.

We delve into the vibrational power of the Sacred Names, the ancient art of drumming, and the invocation of angelic hosts through the Captain of the Hosts, Yahusha Ha Mashiach, Jesus, the Christ. This practice not only enhances spiritual connection but also equips individuals to face and overcome spiritual adversaries. This practice is for those seeking a deeper spiritual journey, a stronger connection to the divine, and the tools to engage in spiritual warfare that is effective with confidence and grace.

The Power of Drumming

Drumming is more than just music; it is a spiritual tool that has been used for centuries to induce altered states of consciousness, enhance meditation, and connect with higher realms. The rhythmic vibrations of the drum serve as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual, facilitating healing, insight, and divine connection. In this practice, drumming is employed not only as a form of worship but as a weapon in spiritual warfare, a means to break through spiritual barriers and invoke divine protection.

The 77 Sacred Names of God

The 77 Sacred Names of God, derived from ancient Hebrew texts and divine revelations, hold profound spiritual power. Each name embodies specific divine attributes and energies that can be invoked for protection, healing, guidance, and spiritual warfare.

Register your interest HERE



Exposing Modern Sorcery

Modern Sorcery: Casting Spells in Contemporary Society

In the modern world, Sorcery takes on new forms, from advertising and propaganda to legal and political manipulation. We explore how modern sorcerers harness the power of language to influence public opinion, shape cultural narratives, and perpetuate systems of oppression and inequality.

"Word" can convey various meanings. from the original Greek, it is "logos." Logos encompasses the idea of the thought principle of cosmic speech that instructs and governs the Universe. a constantly flowing science, of a computational divine utterance of a living and active power, representing the inspiration or logic of God. the overarching principle that orchestrates the cosmos, the knowledge understanding & wisdom of "Word Magic"

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Cosmic Seeds For Better Mental Health

The Cosmic Seeds, or the 72 Names of God, introduce a spiritual dimension to healing, focusing on the vibrational energy that each Name carries. This mystical approach seeks to balance and heal the spiritual aspects of the individual, which are often overlooked in standard mental health practices.

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Grow from Bitter to Better

Dig Up the Hardened Ground of Your Heart

Then Plant the Golden Angel Cosmic Seeds!

"From Bitter Roots to Good Fruits"

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The Golden Angel's Cosmic Seeds

Yah Meditation

Take the Full Golden Angel's 50 Day Challenge

Plant the Cosmic Seeds of God into Your Heart!

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One Module at a time depending on Your Need - No need to Register for Single Modules

Week 1. Protection and Safety

Week 2. Transformation and Change

Week 3. Relationships, Overcoming Challenges and Negative Emotions

Week 4. Spiritual Growth and Awareness

Week 5. Body, Mind, and Spirit Health and Healing

Week 6. Emotional Well-being, Inner Peace, Joy and Positivity

Week 7. Financial Prosperity and Success!

View the complete list of FREE BOOKS HERE

Proclaim the Name of Yah!

I will declare your Name to my brethren: In the midst of the assembly will I praise you!
Tehilliym (Psalms) 22:22

All Power, Glory, and Honor to Yahusha Ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ!

The King is known by many names: Yahusha, Yahushua, Yahshua, Yeshua, Issa, and Jesus. Use your favorite. He answers to them all!

Then those who feared Yahuah talked with each other, and Yahuah listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared Yahuah and honored his name.

“On the day when I act,” says Yahuah Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. Malachi 3:16-18

It is the way of Kings to search out a matter.

The House of Yah is a teaching platform where hidden esoteric knowledge of the Kingdom of Yah and the powers derived thereof are discovered, taught, learned, and perfected, under the tutelage of an experienced Spiritual Warrior, a YahWarrior. This site is for the benefit of yourself, the Body of Mashiach, and ultimately for the greater good of humanity, all for the glory of Yah!

It is expected that if you join this house your goal is to become a Spiritual Warrior, a YahWarrior under the greatest YahWarrior that ever lived, Yahusha Ha Mashiach - Yah El - who lives eternally, to whom three great Magi bowed down and worshiped; Emmanuel, Yah El in the flesh, Yahusha the King!


Yah Winner


World Wide Warriors

Yah Warfare


World Wide Wellness

Yah Wellness


And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me."

Matthew 28:18

The House of Yah is a Subscription Site
Initial Registration is Free

We do not discuss the many and varied topics in a blog or social media format that lead to diverse opinions and ultimately to arguments. You can do that through SM connected channels.
