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HearT❤️Think Milk and Meat Series


HearT❤️Think the YAH WAY is composed of two wonderful and illuminating companion manuscripts; HearT❤️Think, and The YAH WAY, The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven!

The two manuscripts working together make up the Milk Series of HearT❤️Think, and are designed to prepare the soil of your subconscious mind through introductory teachings on the 7 Secrets of the Sages and the 7 Stages of Success as illuminated in the mysteries of the sages, primarily from the prophets in the scriptures, and from the teachings of the ancients sages who have passed this knowledge down to those who seek it.

There is so much in the Milk Series on it’s own that if you were to receive it all at once it would likely overload your conscious and subconscious mind. To avoid this overload I will provide you the complete Milk Series over a period of 8 Weeks; a new chapter from HearT❤️Think, and The YAH WAY emailed to you weekly, so that you can practice the hidden knowledge contained in each chapter of the companion manuscripts for a week, before you receive the next level of deep understanding the following week.

When you register you will immediately receive the HearT❤️Think Free Report, and The YAH WAY Introduction on Week 1, followed by another 7 Weeks of HearT❤️Think, and The YAH WAY all over a period of the initial 8 Weeks of the Milk Series.

This will only scratch the surface of the deep knowledge you will receive in the Meat Series which will follow over the remaining 4 weeks, after the initial 8 Weeks of the Milk Series.

In the HearT❤️Think Free Report on Registration you will be initiated into how you can...

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HearT❤️Think – Believe in an Idea – the 7 Stages

1. Seed Idea

2. Conception

3. Action

4. Testing

5. Endurance

6. Perfect Gift

7. Bigger Ideas

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In the companion YAH WAY Introduction you will be initiated into the following secrets of…

1. How to Focus Your Power

2. Who You really Are, Made in the Image of Yah

3. One (1) is the Yah Way Master Key, The Key to the Kingdom of Yah

4. Three (3) are the Yah Way Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, that Open Many Locks

5. Seven (7) are the Yah Way Keys of Wisdom, to Renew Your Mind

6. The Ladder of Truth and Power

7. The 7 Secrets of the Father, Faith, Focus, Frequency, Force, Form, and Foundation

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After the initial HearT❤️Think Free Report, and The YAH WAY Introduction on Week 1, over the next 7 weeks you will receive, in order and weekly, a chapter from each of the above manuscripts; HearT❤️Think, and The YAH WAY. Oh, you are not done! As they say, “Wait! There’s More!” That is just the Milk Series sent to you over an 8 week period.

Over the following 4 weeks you will then receive a four part companion of deep and profound teachings on the following topics.

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The Meat Series of HearT❤️Think MEDITATIONS

Week 9 – Part 1

The 77 Names of Power!

Enter the School of the Prophets

The Power of Digging up the Fallow Ground of our Hearts and Minds

The Absolute Importance of Meditating on His True Name

Understanding the WORD of YAH or CODE of CREATION

The 77 Names of God

The Power of Names in the Celestial Realms

Vibrational Frequencies

The Name Above all Names

Insights into the Letters of the Name

The Glory of the Sacred Name

The Name of the Son of God

Historical Progression of the Name of the Son of God

The False Pen of the Scribes, Reset to the Lashon Qadash

7 Quantum Keys of the Divine Algorithmic Code

7 Quantum Keys to Power

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Week 10 – Part 2

The Power of the Secret Teachings of Yahusha/Jesus

The Secret Teachings of YAHUSHA/Jesus

The Secret Keys from the Gospel of Thomas

The Power of Direct and Sincere Requests

The Journey of Seeking and Discovery

The Revelation of Hidden Knowledge

The Kingdom of God is Within You

Be Ye Renewed in the Spirit of Your Mind

The Union of Opposites Within You and the Power of Belief

The Calming 12 Second Sacred Breath Cycle

Focus Your Power Inside His Name – YAHUSHA!

Place Yourself Inside the Name of Yahusha/Jesus

The Power Name Given to Moses

Introduction to The El Craft Academy (Deeper Teachings on this subject later)

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Week 11 – Part 3

The Power of the Letters and the Sacred Names from 1-36

The Secret of the Yah Wah Breath

The 22 Hebrew Letters

The Powers of the Hebrew Letters

The Power of the 72 Names Meditations

7 Practical Exercises – The Peace of Yah

7 Practical Exercises – The Power of Yah

7 Practical Exercises – The Works of Yah

7 Practical Exercises – Create like Yah

The English Phonetic Pronunciation of the 72 Names in Order

The Sacred Names 1-36

YHWH is the Name Above All Names and Titles

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Week 12Part 4

The Power Names Continued 37-72

The 72 Power Names Grouped into Categories (with Solfeggio Frequencies)

The English Phonetic Pronunciation of the 72 Names in Order

Phonetic Version provided by a Hebrew Speaking Source

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In whole, you will receive a 12 week course. 8 weeks of an initial Milk Series, followed by a deeply profound 4 weeks of the Meat Series of mystical and esoteric teachings of the sages.

You will receive all of the above Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven over the 12 weeks, or download the complete series here. Register for Free Download

Those who have eyes to see will see the wisdom of the power of the heavenly gematria in the course sequence set.

You will at first receive the "Milk" over the initial 8 weeks, which will prepare your mind for the "Meat", that will come to you in the final 4 weeks of the course. It is essential that you drink all of your "Milk" to strengthen your "bones" as the "Meat" of the real muscle power is build upon this sound foundation of understanding.

It is not necessary to know how this works, only that it does work if applied diligently. Knowledge and understanding will come to you after you finish the course. This is the secret of the seeds. Plant them, water them, and trust nature to do the miraculous work in you!

You will be able to use the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to change your life, find out who you really are designed by the creator to become, to discover your true potential, to find your true life’s true path; to Tap into the Treasures of Heaven for Abundance and Success!

Register now and start your journey on how to access the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven through HearT❤️Think the YAH WAY and HearT❤️Think MEDITATIONS. Do not delay your transformation into a mighty YahWarrior, an Inner Winner – a Warrior of Yah!

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