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HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Intro

Welcome to an introduction of what is coming to you in your email box with HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Series.

Watch your email box, and your spam folder, for Week 1 of this series. It should come to you almost immediately.

The first 8 weeks of this 12 week HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Series may seem to be light reading to some who may want it all at once. Be patient. It is designed that way. There are disciplines contained in each of the weekly teachings that should be absorbed and practiced over the 8 week period before the heavier information and deeper meditations begin. You must learn to walk before you can run, and believe me, once you get to the final 4 weeks of the HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Series you will see why the earlier exercises were light in comparison. The final 4 weeks of the HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Series will blow your mind if you received them immediately on registration. It is during these final 4 weeks that your development will accelerate as you learn the heavenly keys to becoming an effective Spiritual Warrior that overcomes all obstacles to success and prosperity.

Click the links below for the introduction. Feel free to download them and share with your friends and acquaintances.

HT Intro

YW Intro

If what you read above intrigues you, and you would like to take the next step, please click the link below.

HearT❤️Think The Yah Way Series
